WHATCHA GONNA DO, BROTHER? Hulkamania’s runnin’ wild on your Genesis in Flying Edge’s Super Wrestlemania! Itching for some wrasslin’ action from the good ol’ days? We’ve got you covered with a full review of a game from the height of the pre-“attitude” era of the WWF, back before the World Wildlife Fund stole the abbreviation! Read on and remember to say your prayers and eat your vitamins!
Tag: WWF article series
Side by Side: WWF Royal Rumble (Genesis vs. SNES)
Side by Side is back with some tough wrestling action! This latest installment examines WWF Royal Rumble, which was released for the Genesis and the SNES. Which version came out on top? Read the article and find out!
WWF Royal Rumble
The Royal Rumble. thirty men enter the ring, twenty-nine leave, and one stands as the winner. The winner will defeat the other men by elimination. Winning means prestige, honor, and the title shot at WRESTLEMANIA!