Tag: Treco

Genesis Reviews

Sorcerer’s Kingdom

If you’re a Genesis RPG fan, you’ve probably already been through all three Phantasy Star games and beaten back everything dark in the Shining series. If you’re still looking to sharpen your blade, why not try out Treco’s Sorcerer’s Kingdom? It’s not the deepest game in the genre, but it’s a solid way to spend a Saturday, and it’s an RPG that most fans have probably overlooked.

Genesis Reviews

Task Force Harrier Ex

The Genesis is widely known for its shooter library, and among the many titles available is a relatively unknown arcade port of Task Force Harrier Ex. Toned down a bit but still retaining the essential gameplay and feel of the coin-op original, the Genesis version is a competent little game that far too few people know about.

Genesis Reviews

Street Smart

I have to admit, I love me a good brawler every now and then. Being the total scrub that I am, I play just for kicks rather than for prestige or rank. That’s what has me checking out more and more of the older fighters out there. Recently forum member Scooter was kind enough to send me a copy of Treco’s Street Smart for the Genesis, and I quickly popped it in, control in hand. A fan of the SNK original, I was amazed at just how poorly this port turned out. Everything that was good has been changed for the worse, and the one thing that was pretty decent – the gameplay – is left to carry the whole game. Suffice it to say that things didn’t work out.

Genesis Reviews

Fighting Masters

The early ’90s saw a rash of fighting titles that all tried to be Street Fighter II, only they lacked a little something called gameplay. A few managed to still charm their way into people’s hearts (I’m looking at you Primal Rage), but not many are remembered today. Treco’s Fighting Masters is one such title. You don’t hear people still singing its praises today, do you? No, and with good reason – it stinks.

Genesis Reviews

Atomic Robo-Kid

Among the plethora of shmups available on the Genesis is Atomic Robo-Kid, a game that has received heavy criticism over the years. Guess what? It’s about to receive some more. Sega-16 sat down with the game, and came away…less than impressed, to say the least