Saturn’s final year saw some amazing games, including the long-awaited third installment in the beloved Shining Force series. Despite only releasing one of its three scenarios outside Japan, Sega and Camelot Software Planning managed to give fans an excellent 32-bit entry that remains a fan favorite to this day. This is not one to be missed.
Tag: Strategy/RPG
Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention
It remains one of the true classics of the 16-bit era, and Genesis fans owe it to themselves to play it through at least once. We are, of course, talking about Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention, and it is one heck of an adventure. Our full report inside!
Shining Force: Sword of Hajya
The Shining games are some of Sega’s most beloved franchises, and there have been many great releases. The Game Gear was a big part of this, with an excellent entry in the classic Shining Force series. Everything that made fans fall in love with these engrossing strategy/RPGs on the Genesis has made the transition intact. This is definitely one to play.
Vixen 357
One of the best strategy/RPGs you’ve never played, Vixen 357 is developed by the same people who brought us Langrisser, Gleylancer, and Target Earth. That’s some pedigree, and if you like your action with mechs, then Masaya has got you covered. The language barrier is a bit troublesome, but it’s definitely worth the effort. And that intro! Oh my!
Langrisser II
Many previously Japanese-only titles are being enjoyed by audiences the world over because they are finally playable to non-Japanese speakers, and there are currently several groups translating games. One title that is definitely worth checking out is Langrisser II 2, the sequel to the excellent Warsong.