Tag: Stories from the Book of Genesis

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 17

Everyone considers themselves to be gamers, but at what point does one cross the line into the realm of collecting? When does one stop being merely a gamer and become a collector? Sometimes, the line is crossed without one even knowing, and by the time it’s become apparent, you’re knee-deep in Genesis games. That’s the story of Sega-16 contributor Damien Jennison, who came to such a realization when his 200th Genesis game showed up on his doorstep.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 16

Ever want to try something new in terms of presenting video games in a casual environment? It takes a certain degree of care and discretion to pull it off, especially when you’re totally unsure of how people will react. Sometimes, however, the result is more than worth the effort. Such was the case with reader Felipe Fortes, who introduced some Sonic The Hedgehog tunes while DJing at a Brazilian night club! Read the sixteenth installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis and see how he brought the house down in a good way!

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 15

Time passes, but great consoles are forever. Sega-16 contributor Denis O’Donoghue was reintroduced to the wonder of the Sega Genesis through the miracle of emulation, and soon his need for 16-bit Sega was too much to contain! After attaining a console and some carts, an old friend is welcomed back to the fold. Check out the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis and witness one man’s journey of rediscovery.

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 14

Gamers everywhere use eBay for all their Genesis needs, but it’s not always a clean-cut purchase. It can sometimes take quite a while to weed through all the innaccurate auction titles, poor descriptions, and unclear shipping instructions that some sellers lamentably include in their listings. In the latest installment of Stories from the Book of Genesis, Sega-16 shares some past experiences with the popular site and chances are, you’ve had a couple of the same things happen to you!

Features, Stories from the Book of Genesis

Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 13

Not often enough, a video game fan gets to live out a dream. Whether it’s taking part in a game’s actual creation or meeting one of those responsible, one must jump at the chance when it presents actually itself. Such was the case with our latest feature, where Sega-16 contributor David Patricola got to actually meet one of his gaming idols: the famed Yuzo Koshiro. Check out volume thirteen of Stories from the Book of Genesis for the scoop!