Tag: Sports

Genesis Reviews

NFL Quarterback Club ’96

Ah the ’90s. A time when there were actually several football franchises from which to chose. Some were great and some outright stunk, but hey, that’s what made having more than a single selection so cool. Acclaim tried for years to compete with the big guns, and while its Quarterback Club series often showed signs of brilliance, most of the time it was just average.

Sega 32X Reviews

Toughman Contest (32X)

There are tons of boxing games out there and sadly, most of them stink. That’s why NES owners were so darn lucky to get Mike Tyson’s Punchout. The awesome action was matched only by the memorable characters, and Sega gamers spent years on the outside looking in. In 1995, Electronic Arts sought to rectify that with Toughman Contest for the fledgling 32X. Was it as good as Nintendo’s effort? You’ll have to read our full review to find out!