The Shining series debuted on the Saturn with a return to its dungeon crawling roots. Despite bearing some of the genre’s flaws, Shining the Holy Ark was a strong entry with great gameplay and presentation that set the stage for Shining Force’s revival.
Tag: Sonic Software Planning
Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention
It remains one of the true classics of the 16-bit era, and Genesis fans owe it to themselves to play it through at least once. We are, of course, talking about Shining Force: The Legacy of Great Intention, and it is one heck of an adventure. Our full report inside!
Shining Force CD
In a bold move that pleased many fans, Sega upgraded and placed both Game Gear Shining Force games on a single disc for the Sega CD. They even went so far as to include some awesome extras, like a wonderful soundtrack and an exclusive battle! Shining Force CD is a definite purchase for strategy/RPG fans and Shining faithful alike!
Shining Force II: Seal of the Ancients
Sega and Sonic Software Planning join forces for perhaps the best strategy/RPG on Genesis. A worthy sequel to the classic original, Shining Force II is a tour de force that delivers on all fronts. Even if you haven’t played the first game, this is one that you definitely need to give some time. It’s that good.