Tag: Sega Enterprises

Genesis Reviews

Disney’s Aladdin

Aladdin was released for the Sega Genesis in late 1993 and is a 2D side-scrolling game based on the legendary Disney movie of the same name that was developed by Virgin Interactive and published by Sega. The movie was made famous for its characters, and the game for its breathtaking graphics, which still look amazing today.

Genesis Reviews

Super Hang-On

Super Hang-On was released in 1989 for the Sega Genesis and was one of the first motercycle racing games ever released for that system. It’s a great version of the arcade classic that’s perfectly adapted for the Genesis, and the new original mode adds a ton of replay value to an already great title.

Sega CD Reviews

Dungeon Explorer

Not known for its huge array of RPGs, the Sega CD was practically an afterthought in the minds of gamers by the time Dungeon Explorer was released. By then, the Saturn and Playstation was dominating the press and many games slipped to the cracks into obscurity (see Ristar & Gunstar Heroes ). The fact that DE was a Gauntlet clone and a port of a Turbo Grafx game did little to help it catch the market’s attention, and the game was promptly forgotten.

Genesis Reviews


One of the best platformers on the Genesis, Ristar is a wonderous journey composed of brilliant presentation and level design all rolled into one. If you own a Genesis and even have a passing liking for the genre, then this one needs to be in your library. It’s just that good.

Sega CD Reviews

Dark Wizard

Dark Wizard is the kind of game you quickly overlook, but love once you actually begin playing it. It’s very well done and has a deep and involving storyline that will enthrall RPG and strategy gamers alike. It’s a shame it was released so late into the Sega CD’s life span, as I’m sure more gamers could have enjoyed it had the soon-to-be-released Saturn not killed the momentum of everything Genesis-related.