Tag: Sega Enterprises

Genesis Reviews

Sonic Spinball

Taking the famous hedgehog out of the side-scrolling world and tossing him into a pinball environment, Sonic Spinball was a decidedly western spin (ha!) on Sega’s flagship franchise. Sonic fans still debate its quality today, and it remains one of the most controversial 16-bit games in the series.

Genesis Reviews

Sonic The Hedgehog

In 1991 Sega released a game that they hoped would be the anti-Mario. The game was Sonic The Hedgehog and it did everything Sega dreamed it would and a whole lot more. Sonic is a game based on the blue hedgehog you have undoubtedly heard of before or seen in one of his many games.

Genesis Reviews


He appears in Sonic The Hedgehog, but the little bird known as Flicky predates the Blue Blur by a number of years, having made his debut in arcades in the mid ’80s.It took Sega a while, but it finally got around to porting the game to a console, and while the Genesis version is nearly arcade perfect, there isn’t a whole lot to see.

Genesis Reviews

Last Battle

Based on the famous Fist of the Northstar anime and released as one of the earliest Genesis titles, Last Battle is something of a “love it or hate it” game. The action is stiff and repetitive, but there’s something about the fighting and atmosphere that keeps people coming back. Where will you stand? Well, you’ll have to read the review to find out!