Tag: Sega Enterprises

Genesis Reviews

Altered Beast

It’s been fifteen years since Altered Beast was originally released, and it has aged poorly. Its very simple gameplay consists of a screen scrolling from left to right (forcibly) and punching and kicking a small selection of monsters. Two players can fight simultaneously but the large sprites make it uncomfortable at times.

Genesis Reviews

Ghouls ‘N Ghosts

Released in 1989, the word was that Ghouls ‘N Ghosts was an almost perfect arcade conversion of the original Capcom Arcade, although I hear some of the backgrounds were changed in one of the later areas. Regardless, this is one of the finest platformers on the Genesis, even 15 years after its release.

Genesis Reviews

Alien Soldier

Genre: Run-‘N-Gun Developer: Treasure Publisher: Sega Enterprises Players: 1 Released: 1995 Treasure’s releases for the Mega Drive have been, almost without exception, incredible. Gunstar Heroes, Treasure’s first game as Treasure, is considered by many to be the epitome of run-n-gun games, surpassing even the mighty Contra. Dynamite Headdy is a fantastic platformer, with a lot more depth and playability than […]

Genesis Reviews

Sonic Spinball

Taking the famous hedgehog out of the side-scrolling world and tossing him into a pinball environment, Sonic Spinball was a decidedly western spin (ha!) on Sega’s flagship franchise. Sonic fans still debate its quality today, and it remains one of the most controversial 16-bit games in the series.