Sega attempted to bring Enduro Racer’s thrilling action to the Master System but sacrificed too much of what made the game such great fun. The result is a port that’s competent but not much more – and that’s just the Japanese version that didn’t have half the game removed.
Tag: Sega Enterprises
Basketball Nightmare
Basketball Nightmare is a great example of a good idea with poor execution. It’s not a bad game, but it wastes so much potential that you’re left wanting more. The result is a mediocre basketball game that wears out its welcome pretty quickly.
Irem’s brawling hit came home to the Master System without much of a downgrade, and it even supported the console’s neat FM sound feature. An addition well worth tracking down and adding to any library, Vigilante remains a great example of how Sega’s 8-bit machine could deliver arcade hits.
Zillion II: Tri Formation
The first Zillion game was a wonderful and exciting action title with lots of exploration. Its sequel stripped all of that away and instead gave players a dull and repetitive affair. It might not necessarily be a bad game, but it definitely came up short compared to its predecessor.
Disney Collection: Quackshot Starring Donald Duck & Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Castle of Illusion and QuackShot are revered by Genesis owners as two of the best platformers of the 16-bit era. European gamers were lucky to get a collection of both these great games, and it might be an option for those looking to skip high prices.