Tag: Sega Enterprises

Genesis Reviews

Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football

In 1991, Sega shocked Genesis owners with Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football. Aside from changing the game’s vertical perspective to a horizontal one (an internal team had been working on one for the original, but it was scrapped in favor of EA’s vertical game), Sega also added play-by-play commentary. Though it might seem cheesy today, this was unheard for consoles at the time, and it marked an important step in bringing realism to sports games.

Genesis Reviews

McDonald’s Treasure Land Adventure

Aside from the obvious clown character, I’m still wondering what the tie-to McDonald’s is here. It’s strange to see the fast food chain have its license used without any references incorporated into the game, and I suppose that it was just as enamored of Treasure’s magic as everyone else was. You have to admit, the two are an incredible way to sucker gamers into what’s essentially a run-of-the-mill platformer with an all too-happy protagonist.

Genesis Reviews

Twin Hawk

Toaplan’s been behind some great shmups, and a few of them were never released in the U.S. Twin Hawk was one of the rare games that got published by Sega in Europe and Japan, but never flew across the Atlantic. No one knows why, but we were deprived of a solid little shooter that employed some unconventional gameplay dynamics.

Genesis Reviews

Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition

You’d think that after everything he’s been through, after all his near-death experiences with dinosaurs, Dr. Alan Grant would stay as far the hell away from remote islands as possible. Apparently, he must has some deep, subconscious attraction to them, because he keeps going back for more. In Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition, the good doctor is actually trying to save the vicious reptiles from InGen thugs. The beloved raptor also makes a return, and with new graphics and equipment, it’s a whole new adventure in the most dangerous place on Earth.

Genesis Reviews

Classic Collection

Europe saw many releases that never came to the U.S., and among them was a series of compilation carts that featured four Sega games each. One of them had Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Flicky, Altered Beast, and the seminal Gunstar Heroes. Quite a handy little collection on a single cart, wouldn’t you say? Well, it just so happens that we have a full review for you, so check this one out and see if it’s worth adding to your library.