Tag: Sega Enterprises

Genesis Reviews

Ecco the Dolphin (MD)

You’ve undoubtedly played Ecco the Dolphin on the Genesis or European Mega Drive, but it’s worth giving the Japanese version a try. Released last, it added some features the others lacked, including a more fleshed-out story and a new stage. Together, these additions make the Japanese release the definitive cartridge version of the game.

Saturn Reviews

Sega Rally Championship

Sega wowed Saturn owners with a stellar rendition of its arcade monster, Sega Rally. Boasting impressive visuals, excellent gameplay, and an incredible soundtrack, it was enough to keep owners glued to their consoles for hours at a time. Coupled with the Arcade Racer wheel, Sega Rally is the perfect Saturn racing game.

Master System Reviews

Poseidon Wars 3-D

The Master System received what could be described as a reimagining or even a spiritual successor to Sega’s 1982 groundbreaking arcade hit Subroc 3D. Nowhere near as intense or impressive, it’s not a bad effort. It just seems awfully calm for a war game, and its 3D effect isn’t very impressive.

Dreamcast Reviews

Space Channel 5

Ulala made her gaming debut on the Dreamcast, and she’s since become one of Sega’s most iconic characters. Her first adventure, though short, was a funky romp that instantly stood out among other games, and it’s one of the most fun titles on the console. Dancing in space with aliens has never been so much fun!

Master System Reviews

My Hero

A year after its 1985 arcade debut, Sega released a home port of its beat-’em-up My Hero on the Master System. The home version kept things mostly intact, but there really wasn’t that much to preserve. Thin on gameplay and presentation, My Hero fit on a Sega card and probably left a ton of memory to spare.