Tag: Sega Enterprises

8-Bit Reviews, Current Articles, SG-1000 Reviews

Monaco GP

Though considered primitive by today’s standards, Monaco GP was a revolutionary title for its time. The SG-1000 port lacks much of the visual flair that made the arcade cabinet version so special, but the gameplay and soul are still there. If you’re looking for a fun racing challenge for your console, then Sega has you covered with this more than decent port.

Current Articles, Saturn Reviews

Sonic R

Sonic and friends are off to the races in a game that’s fun but flawed. From its memorable presentation to its simple gameplay, Sonic R is a title that doesn’t do anything special but that can tend to grow on you if you give it a chance. Beyond its infamous soundtrack, however, its underachieved potential is what makes it memorable. Still, it is fun to run around for a while, especially with a friend.

Dreamcast Reviews

Zombie Revenge

In 1999, Sega expanded on its House of the Dead series with an solid beat-’em-up that came to Dreamcast the following year. Chock full of extras, Zombie Revenge was fun for a while, especially with a second player. It’s a little bare if you’re planning a long gaming session, but there’s enough fun to be had fending off the undead.

Sega CD Reviews

Wakusei Woodstock: Funky Horror Band

Sega’s new CD-ROM add-on was meant to bring bigger and better game experiences, but its first RPG entry was sadly off-key. In a world where the Genesis was finally hitting its role-playing stride, Funky Horror Band should have been a magical game that showed off the CD-ROM’s power. Instead, it wasn’t much of an upgrade at all.