Tag: Sage’s Creation

Genesis Reviews

Insector X

Lots of arcade shooters made the jump to the Genesis, but some suffered great changes. Insector-X is an example of a game that went through massive graphical and audio alterations on the trip home. The cartoony visuals were traded for some seriously robotic bugs, and the soundtrack was completely swapped out. Some argue that it’s all for the better, while some say the game is worse off for it.

Genesis Reviews

Ka-Ge-Ki: Fists of Steel

Genre: Fighting Developer: Kaneko Publisher: Sage’s Creation Players: 1-2 Released: 1991 Most of you that have been around here for a while have probably read a majority of my reviews, seen the low scores I’ve given to most of them, and you must be thinking that I’m some sort of crazy masochist that just has to play bad games and […]

Genesis Reviews

Crack Down

Between a rising Genesis and a dying Master System, Sega had so much software on its plate that it had to farm some of it out. Crack down, a two-player coin-op port, was one game that got handed over to Sage’s Creation. Featuring simultaneous co-op and a buttload of levels, this fun little action title didn’t get the attention it deserved – until now! Read our full review and get ready to add another title to your library!

Genesis Reviews

Shadow Blasters

A mediocre action title from defunct developer Sage’s Creation, Shadow Blasters offered little in the way of variety or presentation. It’s worth a look, at least for the half hour it lasts, but those looking for a deeper experience should definitely look elsewhere.