Tag: Ocean

Genesis Reviews

Addams Family Values

They’ve been creepy and kooky for decades now, and there have actually been a fair amount of Addams Family games produced for a plethora of platforms. The Genesis received two titles, each based on the movies released in the ’90s. The second game, Addams Family Values, had more of an RPG feel to it than the first one. Was it good enough to light up a bulb or do the Mamushka? Read our full review and see! Praise Raúl!

Genesis Reviews

Addams Family

They’re creepy and kooky, but their game is simply mediocre. The Addams Family on the Genesis is a by-the-numbers platformer that does nothing new and doesn’t do the old stuff as good as a hundred other platformers of the era. It’s a shame that Flying Edge simply went with Ocean’s version instead of trying something new. Heck, an upgrade of Fester’s Quest would have been better.

Genesis Reviews


Like battling it out with a friend using massive weapons of destruction? Eager to crush your foes beneath your heel (and hear the lamentation of their women)? Well, there’s no more a testosterone-ridden way to do it than with gun-toting invertebrates? Sounds great, huh? Unfortunately, Ocean’s port of the PC classic Worms seems to be packing blanks, as this port lacks almost everything that made the game so great.

Genesis Reviews

Mr. Nutz

Oh my dear Sonic, what have you started? It seems that your breakout success sparked a deluge of would-be mascots that felt they had the same spark you did, but when the dust finally settled, those that weren’t buried under the piles of unsold cartridges wallowed in misery at the unemployment office. Some were thankfully lost to time, and others like Mr. Nutz got another fifteen minutes of fame with a attempted comeback in the modern era, which is about fourteen more then he deserved.

Genesis Reviews

Adventures of Mighty Max

Every console since the dawn of time has been burdoned with licensed games. Even to this day, they line the shelves of local game stores, awaiting unsuspecting consumers looking to take an active part in their favorite movies and programs. The problem is that virtually all of these games suffer from one of two problems: weak source material or the developer only having an interest in a simple cash run. Which is The Adventures of Mighty Max?