Tag: MEGA Bites

Features, MEGA Bites

MEGA Bites Vol. 01

There’s been a tremendous flow lately of news regarding Genesis-related properties, from Sega’s announcements back at E3 last year to the release of the Sega Genesis Collection (PS2 & PSP) and EA Replay (PSP). With so much information floating around, Sega-16 has decided to save our readers the trouble of scouring the Internet for it all. Starting this month, we’ll be presenting a regular feature called MEGA Bits, wherein we’ll discuss all the great new remakes, sequels, and collections that have surfaced. There’s no small amount of Genesis goodness floating around so be sure to check it out! This month, we take a look at some remakes that have gone AWOL, the return of a long-dormant franchise, some new fan translations, and an incredible collection spanning the entire history of a true Sega classic!