Tag: Japan

Genesis Reviews

Eliminate Down

The Genesis is home to many a shmup, boasting a total library of over seventy. And just when you think you’ve saved the planet from an alien invasion one too many times, another game comes along that’s worth checking out. This time around it’s Eliminate Down, an import title that can run upwards of $150 on eBay. There’s a reason why people are so eager to pay big bucks for this one folks, and it definitely has more to do with quality than rarity.

Genesis Reviews

Bio-Ship Paladin

We’ve got some more import shooter goodness for you. Today’s review is for the Genesis port of the obscure coin-op Bio-Ship Paladin. It has a decidedly different firing mechanism, compared to other shmups, and one of the big features is that your ship “evolves.”

Genesis Reviews

Dahna Megami Tanjyo

Nothing makes me angrier than sending off for a game that looks absolutely incredible in screenshots, only to have the actual product be a plodding stinker. Only two games ever really burned me this way: Fantasia and today’s review choice – Dahna Megami Tanjou. Who knew that she’d be a minisucle little thing running around, hacking fruitlessly at enemies and sliding off cliffs? Who could have anticipated the sedating gameplay or the dreary visuals?

Genesis Reviews


In the realm of Genesis shmups, there are games that are brutally difficult, but balance the challenge with great gameplay and awesome level design. These are the shmups that make you want to suffer, and you continue to be abused until the table is turned, and you’ve finally beaten that last boss. Then there are those that are hard because of the way they’re designed. Weak weapons and cheap enemies add an artificial layer of challenge, and the true victim ends up being your poor control pad. Which of the two best describes UndeadLine?