Tag: Headgames

Genesis Reviews

Pink Goes to Hollywood

With all the classic cartoon characters getting games of their own, it was no surprise that the famous Pink Panther would soon join their ranks. Starring in Pink Goes to Hollywood for both the Genesis and the SNES, the movie icon got the chance to show his platforming chops to the gaming world. Unfortunately, he decided to do it around the same time every one of those other cartoon characters (and a ton of fuzzy mascots) were doing the same. The result was a title that wasn’t bad but did nothing to distinguish itself from the rest of the pack. Is it worth buying anyway?

Genesis Reviews

Wacky Worlds Creativity Studio

The Sega Club line of games was aimed at the younger Genesis demographic, and one of the odder releases was Wacky Worlds Creative Studio. Just how “creative” Sega expected anyone to get with this amalgam of painting, and music composition is anyone’s guess, but it at least included the Mega Mouse.

Genesis Reviews

Taz in Escape from Mars

Taz’s first Genesis adventure still meets mixed reactions wherever you go. Some people like it, and others hate it with a passion. Regardless of which is the majority, Sega obviously thought it sold well enough to give the sequel a green light. This time around, the famous Looney Toon found himself on Mars, and his adventure pitted him against an entire cast of famous Warner Bros. characters. Did it live up to its predecessor, and more importantly, should you track down a copy?

Genesis Reviews


Back when I had just received a Sega Genesis for Christmas and still didn’t have any games other than the great Sonic The Hedgehog, I remember seeing a certain commercial of Taz-Mania countless times on TV. Its graphics were unbelievable, it looked a lot like a real cartoon, and I absolutely had to have it! I bought it the first chance I got with my own money.