Tag: Hack-‘N-Slash

Arcade Reviews

Golden Axe (Arcade)

Sega’s arcade hack-‘n-slash coin-op spawned a franchise that has lasted for decades and became an instant classic. Released amid a flurry of Double Dragon clones, its fantasy setting and awesome magic effects gave it a strong identity that caused brought in tons of quarters. This is the one that started it all.

Master System Reviews


Taito’s sword-wielding barbarian hacks his way onto the Master System! A port of the popular arcade classic, the 8-bit version went through some graphical and gameplay changes in the process, but it does a surprisingly good job of capturing all the fun of the original. This is one adventure you’ll want to go on!

Genesis Reviews

Blades of Vengeance

Blades of Vengeance is a classic side-scrolling hack-‘n-slasher that does exactly what it’s meant to. Gamers looking for some old school action should definitely check this one out. Interested? Then why not take a gander at our full review and see if this is a game you need to track down.

Genesis Reviews

Golden Axe II

The sequel to the classic Golden Axe returns to the tried-and-true formula that made the original so much fun, but it’s lacking in a few areas. It’s still a great game worth playing, and any fan of the original should definitely try this one out.