Tag: Genesis

Genesis Reviews

Alisia Dragoon

Released for the Genesis in 1992, Alisia Dragoon is an obscure little gem that never got the praise it deserved, probably thanks to SOA’s brilliant marketing division (Gunstar Heroes or Ristar anyone?). Developed by Game Arts and boasting some excellent action and gameplay, it is, in my opinion, a game well worth hunting down.

Genesis Reviews

Burning Force

Namco was one of the first companies to provide much needed third party support for the Genesis. Along with Phelios (awesome shmup), they released Burning Force, a Space Harrier-type shooter that tries very hard to emulate that pioneering title. Unfortunately, it comes up a bit short.

Genesis Reviews


MERCS is a top-down run-‘n-gun a la Ikari Warriors that was released in arcades in the early ’90s. The Genesis version actually 1ups its older sibling by having two separate modes of play: arcade and original. In arcade mode, your mission is to rescue a former U.S. president. In original, you must destroy a foreign nation’s supply of ballistic missiles.