It’s always interesting to get a close look at the inner workings of Sega during its heyday. We’ve spoken to management before, but there’s always plenty more going on behind the scenes that the suits won’t reveal. A great source for this juicy info can be found among game testers, the worker ants of most software publishers. Known as “Game Analysts” at Sega, testers saw all kinds of interesting things happen during the Genesis era, and Sega-16 recently spoke to Tom Byrne, a third party tester during the early ’90s. A big fan of strategy titles, Mr. Byrne gave us some great details on the quality control process for third party titles, and he shares his experiences in our latest interview.
Tag: Features
Double Take: Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin
Sometimes, a game that doesn’t look like much ends up playing a pivitol role in history. You wouldn’t think that Sega’s Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin would fit that mold, given that it never really seemed to set the world on fire. Underneath it all though, was a concentrated effort to do the character justice and be true to his roots. The result was a game that set a blueprint for future titles, and it remains one of the more faithful super heroes titles of the era. Sega-16 takes a deeper look at the importance of Spider-Man’s Genesis debut in the latest installment of Double Take. Read on, true believer!
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 19
It’s never too late to become a Genesis fan, and Sega’s little black box is still attracting gamers a decade after it was officially put to rest. Many people have come to it over the years, looking to Sega’s quality arcade ports and original properties for experiences from a bygone era. Others, after years of loyalty to competitors, decided to give the Genesis a shot several times, but circumstances kept them from finally realizing their intentions.
Genre Spotlight: Soccer-Rama
The Super Bowl is practically upon us, so we’ve decided to celebrate this great American sports tradition with a new Genre Spotlight article covering all the football games available on the Genesis. Wait…excuse me… (takes note handed from offscreen)… Sorry ladies and gentlemen. It seems our article is on the sport the rest of the world calls football, that which we Americans know as soccer. Not a problem! A great sport deserves all the same coverage, so we’ve rounded up all of them for you in a comprehensive piece. Read the full article and lace up those cleats!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 25
The holidays are virtually over, and it’s time to see what Santa brought us! Our readers have been playing plenty of Genesis this month, and they’re once again ready to share their experiences. Check out volume #25 of our Reader Roundtable feature and see what’s been going on!