There have been some more news rumblings in the land of Genesis, mostly relating to the current use of properties from the era, including an incredible find of prototypes and betas and the return of a pioneering Internet game show. We’ve compiled them into easy snippets for you, so check out the latest installment of MEGA Bites and see what’s going on!
Tag: Features
Reader Roundtable Vol. 27
February is in the books, but we can’t move on to March without our monthly round up. As usual, it’s been a busy month here, and our staff and readers have been playing up a storm. Check out the full article and see what they’ve been up to!
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 21
Given the ever-decreasing availability of older games in major retail stores, the only choice a retro gamer has to rely on thrift and pawn shops. Those with experience in this area know well what it’s like to scour their neighborhoods and even make trips into other towns to see if the fishing is better. Most of the time, pickings are slim and the only thing taken home is a mounting sense of disappointment. Sometimes though, a gamer gets lucky and makes a great score.
Interview: Toshiyasu Morita (SOA Technical Director)
Everyone has their own opinion about the 32X. Love it or hate it, it’s an important piece of Sega’s history. Always looking for the full story, Sega-16 recently interviewed Toshiyasu Morita, a technical director at Sega of America, who was involved with the development and release of the little mushroom. He also had a hand in such titles as Doom 32X and the Genesis classic Zombies Ate My Neighbors.
Best Two-Player Cooperative Games
With the advent of online gaming and people’s sudden interest in slinging Wiimotes everywhere, multi-player gaming is bigger than ever. It’s always been around though, and the Genesis has an ample selection of games that can be enjoyed by two players. Sega-16 staff and readers had an ongoing conversation about which ones are the most notable, and their findings have morphed into a handy guide! Read the full article and feel free to contribute any one’s we might have missed!