In this translated interview from the January 1996 issue of the Spanish video game magazine, Ultima Generación, Sega AM3 Producer Tetsuya Mizuguchi talks about porting Sega Rally to the Saturn and shares a bit about AM3’s upcoming arcade game, Manx TT.
Tag: Features
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 42
Collecting video games can be fun and exciting, and it can be difficult to have to let a collection go. One challenge many new to the hobby face is high prices. Even the less-expensive Japanese versions aren’t immune, as one collector found in the latest installment of our Stories from the Book of Genesis series.
Classic Interview: Hayao Nakayama & David Rosen
This 1978 interview with Sega chairman and president David Rosen and arcade distributor Esco Trading Co. president Hayao Nakayama offers a glimpse into their early business history and their views of the arcade industry at the dawn of its Golden Age.
Classic Interview: José Ángel Sánchez (Sega Spain)
These two interviews with Sega Spain’s CEO and General Director, José Ángel Sánchez, discuss Sega’s position in the Spanish 16-bit market, the Mega CD and 32X, the Saturn. and the Dreamcast’s launch and Sega’s online plans in Europe. They offer some great insight about the company’s business in Spain and its expectations for upcoming consoles.
Creative Genesis: The Untranslated Japanese of Jet Set Radio (Part 1)
Jet Set Radio did such a wonderful job of creating a living, breathing city to run around in. Though it was localized to the West, a lot of the in-game Japanese remained untranslated. Join us as we take a look at some of the signs detailing life in the game’s first area, Shibuya-chou.