Everyone loves top ten lists. Well, they at least love to hate them. Truth is, you can pretty much count down anything, so why not make it interesting? Our newest feature series, Lists of Fury, takes a look at things that are bound to piss off Genesis fans… piss them off at Sega, at Nintendo, at modern games – heck, even at us! The very first installment counts down those game series that should never have ventured outside the safe confines of their 16-bit yards and the train wrecks they become since doing so. Read about them and then head over to our forums and vent!
Tag: Features
Sega Ages: Sonic The Hedgehog
No Genesis celebration would be complete without some tribute to the character who made it such a success to begin with. Yes, I’m of course referring to Alex Ki… what? Oops! Sorry, I meant his replacement, Sonic The Hedgehog. We’ve compiled a short rundown of all the Blue Blur’s Genesis adventures, so read the full article and be sure to check out our complete history on the series as well.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 45
With August marking the debut of the Genesis in America, you know we have to keep the party going! That’s why we decided to devote this month’s installment of our Reader Roundtable series to those games that left their mark on us on or around the console’s release. Launch libraries usually stink, but the Genesis had some quality games that are still enjoyed today. Read all about it in the full article and then go play some Revenge of Shinobi.
MEGA Bites Vol. 11
There has been much rumbling in Genesis circles lately. Lots of news has surfaced regarding unreleased games, delayed remakes, and new hardware clones. Some news is big, and some isn’t, but it’s all worthy of mention. We’ve done some scrounging and have compiled it all in another handy little installment of MEGA Bites. Read the full article to find out what’s been going on. See, that’s what we’re here for. Sega-16: combing through the Internet so you don’t have to!
Sega Download: iPhone Gaming
The Genesis has had something of a resurgence over the last few years. From the releases of three new RPGs to a new compilation for modern consoles and the steady stream of games coming to the Wii’s Virtual Console, there’s no shortage of 16-bit goodness to be had. Few should be surprised then, that Sega has turned its cannons to mobile phones. Already releasing titles for the iPhone and other cells, Sega has now began cranking up the amount of Genesis titles being released on Apple’s little wonder.