Sega’s famous fighter Eternal Champions is a game most people seem to either love or hate, with few taking the middle road. Those who defend it note its complex fighting style and unique Sega feel, while those who trash it seem to do so for those very same reasons!
Tag: Features
History of: Virtua Fighter
Sega changed the fighting game landscape forever with the release of Virtua Fighter, the game many people consider to be crucial to ushering in the 32-bit generation. Sega’s 3D blockbuster also received a very good 32X port, and its sequel was even brought to the Genesis! Yes, this franchise has a long and storied history, and we take a detailed look at it in our complete retrospective.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 50
Today, Sega-16 hits another milestone. January’s Reader Roundtable article marks the 50th consecutive installment of our most popular feature series! Our staff and readers love to tell us they play each month, and January is no different. Read this month’s entry, and then go enjoy all the great games mentioned!
2009 European Mega Drive Championship
Last year, staff writer Sebastian Sponsel covered the 2008 European Mega Drive Championship, in which several countries duked it out for 16-bit supremecy. This year’s competition was just as hard fought, and though the battle was great, there could be only one victor. Read Sebastian’s full report and see who came out on top!
Side by Side: TMNT Beat-‘Em-Ups (Genesis vs. SNES)
Kowabunga! The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turles have punched and kicked their way across more consoles than you can shake a bo staff at, and the Genesis was no exception. Sega’s 16-bit wonder received versions of two highly playable and controversial titles: Tournament Fighters and The Hyperstone Heist, and the latter has been compared to the SNES port of Turtles in Time since it made its debut in 1992. Staff writer Christian Matozzo has put the two through their paces for a full comparions, and he’s ready to share his findings in the latest installment of Side by Side.