As amazing as today’s games are, there is still fun to be had with older consoles. With its simple charm and accessibility, retro gaming offers an alternative to people needing a change from tech-heavy modern hardware. So why do so many still ignore what classic game systems have to offer?
Tag: Features
Interview: Scot Bayless (SOA Technical Director)
Through the turbulent early ’90s Sega of America underwent a massive transformation that resulted in market dominance. Employees of the company during this time took part in a roller-coaster of a business that rose and crashed almost too fast to comprehend. One person with a front row seat to these events was Scot Bayless, a former Technical Director and producer for SOA.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 73
After Valentine’s Day has left you broke, you probably don’t have money for modern games, so it’s convenient that retro games are mostly cheaper! And if you don’t have a special someone to spend your hard-earned cash on, that leaves more money for Genesis games! This month, we’ve given the love to our favorite little black box – the one without chocolates inside.
Double Take: Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football
Sega took the Joe Montana series in a new direction with part 2, but what Sports Talk Football did with commentary wasn’t reflected in the gameplay. The game may be a true evolution in presentation, but people play games, not watch them and that’s where ol’ Joe came up short on fourth down.
Creative Genesis: 2080: “My Mega Drive” Video
Normally, we don’t update on the weekends. However, this was just too good to leave until Thursday for a feature update! Internet band 2080 has crafted an incredible song about the Sega Genesis called “My Mega Drive,” and it even released an official video to go with it, all in glorious 16-bit style!