Had your fill of turkey? Tired of hearing your relatives talk? Then sneak away and play some Genesis upstairs? At someone else’s house this year? Bet you’re sorry you didn’t get a Nomad! Well, at lease take comfort in reading what other Sega fans have been playing this month. At the very least, it will keep your mind off the fact that you’re going to be eating leftover turkey for another week.
Tag: Features
16-Bit Books: Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works
Genesis owners finally have the book they’ve been waiting for. With tons of art and interviews, the Mega Drive/Genesis: Collected Works is a feast for the eyes and a tome of wonder for fans of Sega’s most successful console.
Reader Roundtable Vol. 104
Halloween is here! It’s time for some candy, costumes, and classic TV specials. It’s also a great time to break out those great horror-themed Genesis games. Turn down the lights, crank up the TV, and have some spooky fun with these 16-bit classics!
Teasers: Watermelon’s Project Y
Four long years after the incredible Pier Solar, Watermelon Games has returned with a new Genesis game! Code-named Project Y, this beat-’em-up looks to offer awesome visuals, lots of characters, and some deep gameplay. Details are sparse, but there’s more than enough to whet your appetite!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 103
Summer is over! It’s time to return to inside activities, and what’s better than playing Sega? So many great consoles, and so many great games; there’s no way you can go wrong with any of them. The Genesis may be king of the hill, but there are definitely a ton of games on CD and 32X that are very much worth your time. Check out what we played in September.