Virtually every Genesis owner owns or has at least played The Revenge of Shinobi. Hailed as a 16-bit classic, it was one of the early titles that showed off what the console was capable of, and it cemented the Shinobi series as a major Sega franchise. Sega-16 takes a comprehensive look at how it was made, with insight from several members of the development team.
Tag: Features
Sega Legends: Ayrton Senna
Ayrton Senna was a racing icon throughout much of the world, even within the video game industry. He was signed by Sega of Japan to endorse its second Super Monaco GP game, but he left more than just his name on the game’s development. He played an integral part in its creation, showing the full potential of what a licensed game could be.
Interview: Henk Nieborg (Pixel Artist)
Pixel art is one of the undying joys of gaming. While 3D can be quick to show its age, pixel art maintains its beauty. Sega-16 recently chatted with one of the legends of pixel art design, Henk Nieborg, and he shared his experiences on creating The Misadventures of Flink, the Adventures of Lomax, and other works. Enjoy!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 120
Winter is gone, and hopefully it’s getting warmer where you live. That means it’s going to be sunny and pleasant outside, making it that much harder to resist the temptation to stay indoors and play Sega. Be strong! Don’t give into your basic urges! You can take a pill for vitamin D, and if you want fresh air, just open a window! Stay inside and try out one of the great games in this month’s Roundtable!
Behind the Design: Chakan the Forever Man
Chakan is famous for its difficulty, but most gamers are unaware of how the game was created. Developed by a team that spanned several licensed super hero and cartoon hits, the story of Chakan’s development is one of creativity, exploration, and conflict.