It’s appeared on almost as many consoles as it’s had sequels released, but the Street Fighter phenomenon is still as strong as ever. There’s a lot of history in this series, so much that it deserved its own History of article. Kick off your weekend Street Fighter-style, with our latest installment.
Tag: Features
Interview: Chris Shrigley (Disney Interactive Programmer)
As a programmer on some great Genesis games like Gargoyles and Spider-Man, Chris Shrigley has seen his fair share of software. Sega-16 recently chatted with him about his experiences with the console, as well as with the Sega CD. Read the full interview for all the juicy details!
Preview: Beggar Prince
As you may already know, the Super Fighter Team is putting the final touches on Beggar Prince, the first new Genesis release in almost a decade. Sega-16 was fortunate to get all the tasty details about the localization process, as well as talk to project leader Brandon Cobb about the experience! Read all about it in our exclusive preview!
Stories from the Book of Genesis Vol. 06
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for the second place winner of our summer contest to get his time in the Sun with volume #6 of Stories from the Book of Genesis! In Games, Girls, & Glory; Cameron Ruscitti spins a wild yarn about the hard choice between a new game and lady love. I think you’ll enjoy this one, especially the inclusion of a certain martial arts icon!
Interview: Tim Trzepacz (Microprose Programmer)
He’s been involved with the Ratchet & Clank series, worked on the classic Lunar remakes for the Playstation, and played a huge part in the Genesis classic Pirates! Gold. Yes, Tim Trzepacz has been around the game industry for a while, and has worked on some great games.