Tag: Features

Features, Interviews

Interview: Mike Montgomery (Founder of Bitmap Bros.)

In 1987, a company was founded in England and quickly began to turn out hit after hit, making a name for itself over several platforms. That company was the Bitmap Brothers, and you’ve probably played a few of their offerings, like Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe, Soldiers of Fortune, and Gods. Sega-16 recently had the chance to briefly talk with the Bitmap Brother’s founder, Mike Montgomery, about his time on Sega’s 16-bit wonder and the era in general.

Features, Tech Talk

Seeing is Believing: Video Connections

For years gamers have been pondering the question: what’s the best video connection for my Genesis? Well, it took some time, but Sega-16 has heard your pleas. Contributor Joe Redifer has compiled a great guide to all types of connections, which ones are compatible with your particular model, and where to go for the best service. You owe it to yourself to give this one a read. Or do you want to play Gunstar Heroes in RF forever?