With more than a million downloads on the Virtual Console, Nintendo is seeing a massive interest in classic titles. Sega has been taking advantage of this bonanza, already bringing Genesis games to Nintendo’s fledgling service and with plans to offer many more. So if there’s definitely an interest in its back catalogue, why limit itself to only Nintendo’s console? Could there be an advantage to Sega making its 16-bit games available on Xbox Live Arcade? Sega-16 takes a long, hard look at this possibility, and the answer is deeper than you’d think.
Tag: Features
Reader Roundtable Vol. 14
It’s that time again! Once a month, Segaphiles gather to tell us what they’re playing, and each installment usually features an interesting blend of fan favorites, lesser-known gems, imports, and even some duds. January is no different, and eleven of our staff and readers are ready to share their games! Read the latest entry in our popular Reader Roundtable feature and see what your fellow Genesis fans are playing!
Creative Genesis: 16-bit As Art
Besides having a ton of great games, the Genesis is also home to some incredible creativity on the part of its fans. Today we kick off a new feature series that delves into this oft-mentioned but little analyzed aspect of the console we all love. The first installment of Creative Genesis looks at some of the great artwork that has appeared over the years, both official and fan-based. There’s also a bit of cosplay tossed in for good measure (you know you want to see this!).
Genre Spotlight: Baseball Spectacular
The baseball season is still months away, but who says you have to wait? The Genesis is chock full of quality games that should tide you over until it’s time to lace up the cleats, and we’ve put them all together for you in one handy guide! Check out the latest installment of our Genre Spotlight series and see which is the baseball game for you!
Hacks & Homebrews: Streets of Rage Remake
fter so many years of waiting in vain for Sega to get off its keister and give us some more Streets of Rage, some of the more dedicated fans over at Bombergames have taken matters into their own hands. This week they released Streets of Rage Remake, a new vision of the series that includes moves, characters, bosses, and levels from all three games (with enhanced visuals and remixed music) as well as new enemies, weapons, vehicles and areas! It’s everything a fan of Sega’s famous beat-’em-ups could ever want, and we have a full article on this incredible release in the latest installment of Hacks & Homebrews. Miss it not!