Consider if you will, the fact that every console has it’s fair share of crappy games. Those that are so bad that they are the subject of pity and mocking, moreso than scorn. Experienced Sega gamers know which ones to avoid, but what of those unfortunate souls who haplessly stumble into them? Who is held accountable? What if the competition of the era decided to call Sega out on it’s use of the Seal of Quality? Who would they place such a massive responsibility on? Why, attorney extraordinaire Phoenix Wright, that’s who! Only Harvey Birdman is more famous, and if there’s anyone who’s able to get to the bottom of this barrel of turds, it is he! We were lucky enough to get a glance at his pre-trial notes, so read the second installment of our America’s Least Wanted series before he finds out! OBJECTION!
Tag: Features
Interview: Steven Lashower (SOA Progammer)
Sega Interactive was a big part of Sega’s arsenal during the mid ’90s, and many gamers underestimate the group’s contribution the Genesis line up. With hits like Eternal Champions, Star Wars Arcade, among others, it had a knack for churning out the hits. We recently got to sit down for some Q&A with Steven Lashower, one of SI’s former programmers, and he shared some great insight into some of its biggest games.
Sega Gear: MD-Pro Flash Card
Wondering how to play those fan-translated ROMs on your actual Genesis hardware? Lucky for you that site contributor Zebbe hears your pleas! His latest feature is a review of Tototek’s MD-Pro Flash Card, perfect for playing such gems as Battle Mania Vintage and Monster World IV in English and in front of your TV. Check out his latest report in our Sega Gear series and see which version of the card is right for you.
Fan Translations: Emulation & Hardware
We’ve been giving a lot of attention to the recent fan translations that have been appearing on the Genesis. From the wonderful Beggar Prince to the recent MIJET translations of two of the Phantasy Star II text adventures, it looks like the movement is finally gaining some steam. Site contributor Zebbe takes a deeper look into what’s been done so far and what’s still pending in his new article Fan Translations: Emulation & Hardware. It’s a great chance to catch up on which Mega Drive games you can now play in English, so read our full article and get to playing!
Reader Roundtable Vol. 20
Sega-16 loves its games; that’s a fact no one will deny. Heck, we’ll even play the stinkers, just so we can spread the word about how bad they are! That’s why our Reader Roundtable feature is so popular. There’s nothing like seeing what your fellow gamers are playing, even when the games suck! This month’s installment is pretty balanced though, so why not check it out and have some fun? Enjoy!