Tag: Beat-‘Em-Up

Dreamcast Reviews

Zombie Revenge

In 1999, Sega expanded on its House of the Dead series with an solid beat-’em-up that came to Dreamcast the following year. Chock full of extras, Zombie Revenge was fun for a while, especially with a second player. It’s a little bare if you’re planning a long gaming session, but there’s enough fun to be had fending off the undead.

Master System Reviews


Irem’s brawling hit came home to the Master System without much of a downgrade, and it even supported the console’s neat FM sound feature. An addition well worth tracking down and adding to any library, Vigilante remains a great example of how Sega’s 8-bit machine could deliver arcade hits.

Genesis Reviews


It took the better part of an entire decade, but WaterMelon’s massive brawler Paprium has finally arrived. After so long and so many promises, does it live up to expectations? The answer is mixed, but it’s definitely a game that’s worth giving some playtime.

Saturn Reviews

Three Dirty Dwarves

The heroes of SegaSoft’s beat-’em-up were nothing like the dwarves you grew up with! Greg, Taconic, and Corthag starred in a wacky brawler that gave Saturn owners a different take on an established genre. Its quirkiness didn’t always make for a smooth ride, but the good far outweighs the bad.