Tag: Beam Software

Genesis Reviews

NBA All-Star Challenge

Today’s basketball releases incorporate the all-star game and events within their meaty option menus, and gamers have come to expect such treatment with each yearly installment. During the 16-bit era, however, such luxuries were not available, and gamers had to look for other ways to get their all-star groove on. Unfortunately, Flying Edge decided to remedy this and offer up a compilation of events in NBA All-Star Challenge. It sports a three-point shootout, free throw contest, and even a one-on-one competition. Hey, it even has Michael Jordan! So why then, is it so bad?

Genesis Reviews

True Lies

The Governator was the consumate action stars, and before his mind turned to politics, he gave us such classics as the first two Terminator films, Predator, Commando, and a James Cameron vehicle called True Lies. Setting espionage against a backdrop of explosions and empty bullet casings, the movie was great popcorn fun, something that seems to easily lend itself to a run-‘n-gun game.