The Revenge of Shinobi was released in 1989 for the Sega Genesis and is a 2D side-scrolling action title that pits you, as Joe Musashi, against a plethora of no-goodniks and other evil people. You are given a nice little arsenal of attacks to use to vanquish your evil opposition and the game is notorious for allowing you to fight a couple of comic book heroes as Bosses, most notably Spider-Man.
Tag: Action
Outlander was originally slated to be a Mad Max game, but the licensing rights fell through at the last minute, and the title and presumably some visuals in the game were changed to avoid lawsuits. The game isn’t hurt at all though, as the game is still what an ideal Mad Max game would be, only without the name.
Alisia Dragoon
Released for the Genesis in 1992, Alisia Dragoon is an obscure little gem that never got the praise it deserved, probably thanks to SOA’s brilliant marketing division (Gunstar Heroes or Ristar anyone?). Developed by Game Arts and boasting some excellent action and gameplay, it is, in my opinion, a game well worth hunting down.
Ghostbusters is an early Genesis title and may not look all that appealing by today’s standards, but it was pretty spiffy when it was released. After spending some time with it, it feels like a Ghostbusters game, and that’s what counts.
Adventures of Batman & Robin
Sega’s last attempt at a Batman game is arguably the best on the Genesis, combining solid action and great co-op gameplay with some incredible special effects. It’s also as hard as it is good. Then again, no one ever said fighting crime was easy. Read our write up and get ready to add another game to your collection.