Tag: Action

Genesis Reviews

Urban Strike

We continue or week-long coverage of Electronic Arts’ Strike games with a review for the final game in the original trilogy, Urban Strike. Taking the franchise to new levels of challenge and action, it was a great way to round out the series on the Genesis, and it set the stage for the next generation of Strike games on the 32-bit platforms.

Genesis Reviews

Jungle Strike

One of the most original and fun group of games to originate on the Genesis was Electronic Arts’ Strike series. Three games were released in total, and the franchise eventually moved on to the next generation consoles. This week, we’re taking a special look at the series, with reviews for both Jungle Strike and Urban Strike, as well as a special retrospective on the entire run of titles.

Genesis Reviews

James Bond: The Duel

James Bond’s completed missions on virtually every console ever made. He only made one appearance on the Genesis, which probably has a much to do with Dalton’s mixed reception as the character as it does with mediocrity of the game itself. James Bond: The Duel isn’t a bad game; it just isn’t really a good one. Hey, that sounds a lot like what people say about Dalton’s Bond!

Genesis Reviews

Fatal Rewind

Someday, the world will tire of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune, and corporate executives will mesh game shows with reality T.V., giving us Fatal Rewind. Yes, after Dr. Phil and Oprah, it will be time to watch people die! This is the true and only future for television, and Sega-16 gives you a glimpse of tomorrow with our review of the game that tells it all!

Genesis Reviews

Batman: Revenge of the Joker

For your gaming pleasure, today we have a review for Batman: Revenge of the Joker. Poor Bats never seems to get a fair shake, and his spotty gaming history is full of “could-have-beens,” including this one. Originally released on the NES, most people thought the Genesis port would take advantage of the more powerful hardware and offer the maximum experience. In reality, the NES game is better.