Tag: Action

Genesis Reviews

Dahna Megami Tanjyo

Nothing makes me angrier than sending off for a game that looks absolutely incredible in screenshots, only to have the actual product be a plodding stinker. Only two games ever really burned me this way: Fantasia and today’s review choice – Dahna Megami Tanjou. Who knew that she’d be a minisucle little thing running around, hacking fruitlessly at enemies and sliding off cliffs? Who could have anticipated the sedating gameplay or the dreary visuals?

Genesis Reviews

No Escape

Ah, licensed slop. It’s everywhere, no matter which console you own, and it’s managed to transcend hardware generations like some mutant virus that morphs into a new strain every five years or so. The Genesis was no exception, as evident by today’s poor example of wasted silicon. Sony Imagesoft continued its tradition of horrible licensed software with No Escape, a game surprisingly done by the mostly awesome-on-Genesis Psygnosis. What happened? Maybe it was an off day, or maybe the development budget all went towards women and booze. No one knows, and after playing this turd, no one probably cares either.

Genesis Reviews

Back to the Future Part III

Sometimes, a game comes along that totally justifies the stigma attached to licensed titles. We’re talking utter trash here, and a few releases can be quickly named when one is asked to mention which ones stand out the most (anyone remember LJN’s abysmal X-Men game for the NES?). Back to the Future Part III is a card-carrying member of that sorry list.

Sega CD Reviews

Cliffhanger (CD)

Based on the suprisingly successful Stallone movie of the same name, it’s your run-of-the-mill cash run that lacks all the creativity and fun we’ve come to expect from most licensed titles. We’ve a full review for you, so take a deep breath and read on gentle gamer.