Tag: Action

Genesis Reviews

Last Action Hero

It seems that no one liked Last Action Hero. The Governator was beginning his slow downward spiral into movie retirement, and his first movie after the incredible T2: Judgment Day got trounced at the box office by Sleepless in Seattle. So poorly did the movie do, that Shwarzenegger’s own salary was virtually equal to its opening weekend gross. Of course, Sony tried to capitalized on the movie with a video game tie-in, and to say that the game mimics the film isn’t entirely accurate. Let’s just say that as bad as the movie may be, the game is infinitely worse. Horrible gameplay, repetitive enemies, brutal difficulty, and levels that go on way too long are only some of the problems that plague this doorstop.

Genesis Reviews


After Sega scored a hit with Eternal Champions, it began to look for more ways to keep the characters in the public eye. Spin offs were quickly green-lighted for both the Game Gear and the Genesis, and anxious fans got X-Perts. Not exactly the game they were waiting for, and its development was almost canceled several times. In the end, Sega released a product almost no one was happy with, and it was a black eye to the face of an otherwise popular franchise.

Genesis Reviews

Shadow of the Beast

Recognized by Genesis fans as one of the hardest action/platformers of all time, Shadow of the Beast reportedly owes its notorious difficulty to a higher refresh rate that made it run almost 20% faster than it should have. Lots of game pads lost their lives taking on this incredibly hard game, but there are those gamers out there who had the patience (and the extra controllers) to actually play through to the end. Are you man enough for the challenge?

Genesis Reviews

Second Samurai

Region-specific games are the bane of fans of all consoles. No matter how many great games come to one’s specific region, there is always a ton more that got left somewhere else. The Genesis is no exception, and there are more awesome titles left in Europe and Japan than you can shake a Menacer at. Second Samurai is one such title, and we wouldn’t be surprised if you’re right now wondering what the heck game it was that we just mentioned. See? That’s what happens when games stay in just one region!

Genesis Reviews


Many Americans in early ’90s may not have seen all the great games that came out for computers, but they sure did get their fair share of Amiga love by way of the Genesis. Many great games were ported, among them Psygnosis’ Galahad, which was a tough action/platformer with great visuals. How does the Genesis version fare against the original?