Tag: 32X

Sega 32X Reviews


Hmm, what have we here? A 32-bit add-on that promises all the bells and whistles, and one of its first titles is a half-baked port of one of the big killer apps of the era? Not quite the best way to introduce hardware. Yeah, it’s playable, but it’s also not full-screen and it’s missing levels. Buckle up friends and check out our review of Doom 32X, and don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Sega 32X Reviews

Toughman Contest (32X)

There are tons of boxing games out there and sadly, most of them stink. That’s why NES owners were so darn lucky to get Mike Tyson’s Punchout. The awesome action was matched only by the memorable characters, and Sega gamers spent years on the outside looking in. In 1995, Electronic Arts sought to rectify that with Toughman Contest for the fledgling 32X. Was it as good as Nintendo’s effort? You’ll have to read our full review to find out!

Sega 32X Reviews

Zaxxon’s Motherbase 2000

The 32X tried really hard to impress with its 3D visuals, and to be frank, it didn’t really succeed all that often. Sega also tried hard to attract gamers with innovative gameplay ideas, and they even resurrected a long-forgotten franchise in the attempt. Zaxxon’s Motherbase 2000 didn’t exactly do its namesake justice, but didn’t exactly fall on its face either. Check out our full report for all the flat-shaded details!

Sega 32X Reviews

Motocross Championship

Oh look, a motocross game on the 32X! If only it were as good as we had hoped it would be. Sadly, Motocross Championship is one of those games that friends point to and snicker whenever you try to defend your investment in a 32X system. It’s ok friends. We know exactly how you feel. Come read our full review and let us ease your pain.