Tag: 32X

Sega 32X Reviews

Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes Starring Fred Couples

Despite its maligned reputation, the 32X has a suprisingly decent sports library. World Series Baseball, FIFA Soccer ’96, NBA Jam Tournament Edition, and an adequate version of Quarterback Club cover most of the bases, and the group is rounded out by a solid golf title. Bearing perhaps the longest name in all of Sega gaming, Golf Magazine: 36 Great Holes of Golf Starring Fred Couples is a great way for the golf novice to jump into the sport. It’s also another fun game for your neglected mushroom! Read our full review for more information.

Sega 32X Reviews

Cosmic Carnage

One of the few fighters created just for the 32X was an obscure game called Cosmic Carnage. It was released only on the 32X, so it is virtually unknown due to that add-on’s failure (it wasn’t the only game to suffer such a fate). A beat-em-up with little innovation or any special qualities to make it stand out in the crowd Cosmic Carnage wasn’t anything special and if you haven’t played it, then don’t worry because you haven’t really missed out on anything.

Sega 32X Reviews

Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure (32X)

Hey look! It’s another version of Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure. I guess the 32X version was collecting dust in some ancient 16-bit temple somewhere, but we finally tracked it down for a review. If you’re really a nit-picker and need to know the differences between all three versions, now’s your chance! Read the full review and hope we don’t find a Master System version with Power Base Converter for a review!