Once slated for a Genesis release, Jim Power: The Lost Dimension was canceled and cast into limbo. It remained there for two decades, until Piko Interactive rescued it from oblivion. Was it worth the wait? Well, yes and no. Read our full review to find out more.
Tag: 2020
Hands-On: Panzer Dragoon Remake
Fans were surprised to learn that the original Panzer Dragoon would receive a remake in 2020. It started out with some hiccups, but updates smoothed out many of the issues and added new features. The result was a great reimagining of a Saturn classic.
It took the better part of an entire decade, but WaterMelon’s massive brawler Paprium has finally arrived. After so long and so many promises, does it live up to expectations? The answer is mixed, but it’s definitely a game that’s worth giving some playtime.