Saturn’s final year saw some amazing games, including the long-awaited third installment in the beloved Shining Force series. Despite only releasing one of its three scenarios outside Japan, Sega and Camelot Software Planning managed to give fans an excellent 32-bit entry that remains a fan favorite to this day. This is not one to be missed.
Tag: 1997
Sonic R
Sonic and friends are off to the races in a game that’s fun but flawed. From its memorable presentation to its simple gameplay, Sonic R is a title that doesn’t do anything special but that can tend to grow on you if you give it a chance. Beyond its infamous soundtrack, however, its underachieved potential is what makes it memorable. Still, it is fun to run around for a while, especially with a friend.
Resident Evil
Capcom’s survival horror legend tore its way onto the Saturn a year late but brought along some goodies to make up for its tardiness. The new Battle Mode and graphical touches enhanced an already solid game enough to warrant one more trip into the mansion.
Saturn Bomberman
Hudson’s 32-bit Bomberman remains the defining entry in the franchise and perhaps the best multi-player game on the Saturn. It’s reason enough to own more than one multi-tap and as many controllers as you can find. If you’re looking for the ultimate Saturn party or tournament game, this is it.
Fighters Megamix
Sega took the best of its fighting game efforts and molded them into one of the best brawlers of the 32-bit era (or any, for that matter). A huge cast of characters from Fighting Vipers, Virtua Fighter, and even Virtua Cop come together to create one incredible battle experience. Have a Saturn? Then simply put, you need this game.