Tag: 1995

Genesis Reviews

Comix Zone

Comix Zone is one of the most amazing games on the Genesis. Every aspect of the game: the gameplay, the control, the graphics, and the sound, smack of first-rate effort. You can tell a lot of effort went into the game, and it paid off in spades. The game has a certain charm to it that no game since has been able to match.

Genesis Reviews


VectorMan is a unique game in that is as much a platformer as it is a shooter. The game boasts some stunning rendered visuals, which give it a look all its own and were really advanced for its time. VectorMan is set in a post-apocalyptic world (circa 2049) that has been overrun by evil and it’s his job to defeat the evil scum WarHead and return the world to normal.

Genesis Reviews


One of the best platformers on the Genesis, Ristar is a wonderous journey composed of brilliant presentation and level design all rolled into one. If you own a Genesis and even have a passing liking for the genre, then this one needs to be in your library. It’s just that good.

Genesis Reviews

Mega Turrican

Data East brought us one of the best run-‘-n-gunners on the Genesis, and gamers were amazed at the evolution of Turrican from his original Accolade release. That had a lot to do with these being the only Turrican titles released on the platform, but what a way to cap off the series!