Tag: 1995

Sega 32X Reviews

Brutal: Above the Claw

Ok, give us an upgrade and we expect all the good stuff from before with a few tweaks, as well as some new stuff. What we don’t expect is a game that plays worse than the original, especially when it’s on more powerful hardware. Games like Brutal: Above the Claw was why the 32X was never taken seriously. When your 16-bit version plays better and is more fun, why upgrade? Still, we have a review for those of you considering a purchase anyway. Don’t say we didn’t warn you!

Sega 32X Reviews

Toughman Contest (32X)

There are tons of boxing games out there and sadly, most of them stink. That’s why NES owners were so darn lucky to get Mike Tyson’s Punchout. The awesome action was matched only by the memorable characters, and Sega gamers spent years on the outside looking in. In 1995, Electronic Arts sought to rectify that with Toughman Contest for the fledgling 32X. Was it as good as Nintendo’s effort? You’ll have to read our full review to find out!

Sega CD Reviews

Fatal Fury Special

Want more fighting games? Haven’t gotten enough of SNK’s rowdy bunch of brawlers? Then maybe you need to try Fatal Fury Special for the Sega CD… or maybe not. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, which is downright sad. You’ve probably seen this disappointment before, but just in case we’ve got you covered with our complete write up.

Genesis Reviews

Scooby-Doo Mystery

For over four decades Scooby and friends have been solving mysteries and making the world safe for gluttons everywhere. You know them, you love ’em, but did you know they’re on your Genesis? Lucky for you then, that we have a nice write up of Scooby-Doo Mystery.