Thursday marks the opening of the 2006 NFL season, and what better way to celebrate than with a review of NFL Quarterback Club for the 32X? If you’re a football fan, you’ve undoubtedly been awaiting the return of one of America’s most popular sports, and if you’re a 32X owner, you probably need another game to play! Check out the review and see if this is the one for you!
Tag: 1995
Micro Machines Turbo Tournament ‘96
Those who grew up in the early ’90s remember the Micro Machines well. The darn things had toys for just about every vehicle ever made. They had a few games too, and Turbo Tournament ’96 ranks among the best. So many options, so much fun! Our complete write up tells all about this great little racer that you probably overlooked, so check it out and see what you’ve been missing!
NFL Quarterback Club ’96
Ah the ’90s. A time when there were actually several football franchises from which to chose. Some were great and some outright stunk, but hey, that’s what made having more than a single selection so cool. Acclaim tried for years to compete with the big guns, and while its Quarterback Club series often showed signs of brilliance, most of the time it was just average.
Batman Forever
There have been tons of Batman games over the years, but exactly how many were memorable? Not many, that’s for sure, and with turds like Batman Forever in that repertoire, it’s no surprise. Horribly repetitive gameplay and terrible character design make this a major contributor to Acclaim’s tarnished legacy.
Bible Adventures
How a company could release a game as bad as Bible Adventures and still call themselves Christians is beyond me, but I’m sure they must have repented by now. Our full review has the whole story, but don’t worry. There is no penance required for reading it.