Tag: 1993

Genesis Reviews

Summer Challenge

The Olympics come but once every four years, but you can compete whenever you want with Accolade’s Summer Challenge. It’s not be the best game to represent the timeless competition, but it’s not a bad one, either. There’s a decent selection of events and some impressive 3D visuals, if you can get past the controls and framerate.

Genesis Reviews

Ecco the Dolphin (MD)

You’ve undoubtedly played Ecco the Dolphin on the Genesis or European Mega Drive, but it’s worth giving the Japanese version a try. Released last, it added some features the others lacked, including a more fleshed-out story and a new stage. Together, these additions make the Japanese release the definitive cartridge version of the game.

Game Gear Reviews

Sonic Chaos (Game Gear)

Sonic had some special outings on the Game Gear, and they rank all over the spectrum of quality. Sonic Chaos was one release that had potential but that got bogged down by high difficulty, and repetitive gameplay. It’s still worth playing, and being a common title makes it easy to acquire. It’s not Sonic’s best effort, but it isn’t his worst, either.

Genesis Reviews

Dyna Brothers 2

Real-time strategy buffs who aren’t afraid of a little Japanese will want to check out Dyna Brothers 2. Charming visuals, engaging gameplay, and dinosaurs make for a neat little game that will keep players occupied for hours. The language barrier is perhaps the only obstacle to an otherwise excellent title.