Tag: 1993

Genesis Reviews

Robocop 3

Robocop is widely considered by many to be a classic of modern science fiction cinema. Its sequels… not so much. The difference between the original and later installments is night and day, and this contrast also applies to the various video game adaptations released over the years. Everyone loves Data East’s Robocop arcade game, but the sequels are widely reviled, no matter the platform they’re on. One need look little further than Flying Edge’s port of Robocop 3 to see just how bad movie games can be. But hey, at least it’s faithful to its source material!

Sega CD Reviews

Prince of Persia (CD)

Jordan Mechner’s computer classic Prince of Persia has found its way onto virtually every game platform imaginable. Its timeless gameplay and incredible challenge still hold up, despite all the advances in hardware, and many of the later, more graphically powerful renditions never managed to match the fluidity and intuitiveness of Mechner’s original. The Sega CD port tried to keep that special charm intact while adding some of the bells and whistles of CD technology. The results were mixed, and people still take sides today in regards to its quality.

Genesis Reviews

Toys: Let the Toy Wars Begin!

No matter how old you get, you still have toys. back in 1992, someone thought it would a great idea to turn this love into a movie, and they even got Robin Williams to play the lead role. Of course, as with any big budget license, a video game was a must, so Absolute Entertainment produced one. The movie Toys was a box office flop, and the game? We can safely say that while it wasn’t worse than the film, it wasn’t really much better.