Tag: 1992

Genesis Reviews

Sunset Riders

Sunset Riders is the port of a 1991 Konami arcade game of the same name. It sports two different cowboys to choose from, each with their own advantages and disadvantages, 8 levels of frantic gunning, and three levels of difficulty. Sounds pretty good, eh? And it is…mostly.

Genesis Reviews


Back when I had just received a Sega Genesis for Christmas and still didn’t have any games other than the great Sonic The Hedgehog, I remember seeing a certain commercial of Taz-Mania countless times on TV. Its graphics were unbelievable, it looked a lot like a real cartoon, and I absolutely had to have it! I bought it the first chance I got with my own money.

Genesis Reviews

Rolo to the Rescue

Considering this 1992 Genesis game was produced by EA, a company more commonly associated with the sporting genre, it makes it all the more surprising that they produced this slick, child orientated platform game. From the super sickly storyline, through the chunky cartoon characters and finishing with some of the jauntiest music I have ever heard coming from a 16-bit system this screams “for under-10’s” only. But look past that initial cute and fluffy exterior and you’ll find an engrossing and challenging game that is definitely not just for kids.

Genesis Reviews

Double Dragon

Technos launched a genre into stardom and created a massive franchise with Double Dragon, and the game has been made available for just about every console ever made. The Genesis version should have been arcade perfect, but somehow, Technos managed to screw it up. While not unplayable, it’s a far cry from what it should have been.