Tag: 1992

Genesis Reviews

Steel Empire

You’d never think that a shmup that has you flying a dirigible would be fun, but Steel Empire proves otherwise. Using the whole steampunk theme long before Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow brought it to the big screen, it was one of the more obscure games in the genre. It was recently revived on the Game Boy Advance, but the Genesis version is the one to own.

Genesis Reviews

Chiki Chiki Boys

Chiki Chiki Boys is a great little game that plays a lot like Wonder Boy in Monster Land. Reprogrammed by Sega due to Capcom’s licensing issues with Nintendo, this colorful and engaging arcade port is a solid adventure that more people need to try out. It flew under the radar of a lot of people, and needs to be played!

Genesis Reviews

Home Alone

Despite the licensing curse that plagues most movie games, Home Alone wasn’t all that bad. With well-designed levels and solid gameplay, it manages to stay true to its source material while offering something original. This is definitely one to check out, and many people may have ignored it due to the license.