Tag: 1992

Genesis Reviews

Fighting Masters

The early ’90s saw a rash of fighting titles that all tried to be Street Fighter II, only they lacked a little something called gameplay. A few managed to still charm their way into people’s hearts (I’m looking at you Primal Rage), but not many are remembered today. Treco’s Fighting Masters is one such title. You don’t hear people still singing its praises today, do you? No, and with good reason – it stinks.

Genesis Reviews

Aquatic Games Starring James Pond

Genre: Sports Developer: Victordean/Millennium Publisher: Electronic Arts Players: 1-4 Released: 1992 With moderate success of the James Pond series, his first and only spin-off came into the world in Europe in ’92, to coincide with the summer Olympics, and then be released in ’93 in the U.S. Unfortunately for the oceans greatest hero, America wasn’t ready for a cartoon-themed sports […]

Genesis Reviews

Bio-Hazard Battle

One of the more unique shmup concepts was the use of insects as ships. Though Insector-X tried to pull it off, it was Sega’s own Biohazard Battle that came the closest to conveying the coolness of using a raging hornet as your craft. Sound weird? It should, as this is one weird game.

Genesis Reviews

Batman: Revenge of the Joker

For your gaming pleasure, today we have a review for Batman: Revenge of the Joker. Poor Bats never seems to get a fair shake, and his spotty gaming history is full of “could-have-beens,” including this one. Originally released on the NES, most people thought the Genesis port would take advantage of the more powerful hardware and offer the maximum experience. In reality, the NES game is better.